MyHome Application Form

Product Details
Products from your Wishlist may be listed here, these can be amended now if you wish, e.g. LED TV, fridge, laptop
e.g. a partner who lives with you
Your Details

Main Purchaser


Main Purchaser

e.g. maiden name, married name


e.g. maiden name, married name
Contact Details

Main Purchaser


Main Purchaser

include area code, e.g. 09
include area code, e.g. 09
include prefix, e.g. 021


include area code, e.g. 09
include area code, e.g. 09
include prefix, e.g. 021
Current Address

Main Purchaser


Main Purchaser

Not sure? Use NZ Post’s Postcode Finder
use only numbers


Not sure? Use NZ Post’s Postcode Finder
use only numbers
Current Employment

Main Purchaser


Main Purchaser

use only numbers


use only numbers
Additional Income

Main Purchaser


Main Purchaser

e.g. a second job, rental property, etc
use only numbers
e.g. second job, rental income, boarder, family assistance, etc


e.g. a second job, rental property, etc
use only numbers
e.g. second job, rental income, boarder, family assistance, etc
What assets do you own?

In most cases MyHome is able to use the product(s) you are purchasing as credit security, however it may assist your application if you are able to provide additional security.

Main Purchaser


Main Purchaser

use only numbers
use only numbers
Vehicle 1
Vehicle 2
e.g. furniture, TV, stereo, appliances, etc (use only numbers)


use only numbers
use only numbers
Vehicle 1
Vehicle 2
e.g. furniture, TV, stereo, appliances, etc (use only numbers)
What are your debts?
Debt 1
Debt 2
Debt 3
Additional Comments
Terms & Conditions

THE PRIVACY ACT 1993. By accepting the terms and conditions:

  1. I/We understand that all personal information (“personal information”) Instant Finance NZ Limited (“you”) holds about me, whether now or in the future, will be used to assess my credit worthiness and financial position (from time to time), and to process and assess any application for credit I have made with you.
  2. I/We authorise:
    • you to make enquiries about me, disclose personal information to any third party (eg. disclosing default information) and/or obtain information about me that you consider necessary from such third party for the purposes set out in paragraph 1 or to collect any outstanding debt from me, or for any other enforcement by you. In this regard I authorise such third party to provide to you information about me that you consider necessary for such purposes;
    • you to disclose information about me (where required) to your insurers, potential assignees, credit rating and credit reporting agencies such as Veda Advantage;
    • you to use any of the personal information about me for the purposes of informing me about your other products and services.
  1. I/We understand that I have the right to access and correct personal information held by you by contacting you on 0800 260 000.
  2. I/We understand that all information you provide to Veda Advantage (including my/ our default information) will be held by Veda for its credit reporting service and Veda may give such information to its customers who use its service. I/We also understand that I/ We may access and correct the information held by Veda by writing to Veda at Private Bag 92156, Victoria Street, Auckland.
  3. I/We declare that the information I have provided to you in any application for credit is correct and complete and I agree to immediately advise you of any change to any information contained in any such application.
  4. I/We understand that you reserve the right to decline any application for credit .
  5. I/We agree that personal information may be transmitted between ourselves or by you to any third party (for the purposes set out above) using facsimile and/or electronic mail.
  6. I/We acknowledge that there are security risks associated with the electronic transmission of information.

Main Purchaser


Main Purchaser


Please note, the Main Purchaser cannnot authorise acceptance on behalf of the Co-Purchaser

Submit Application